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The proposal

Actually, there wasn't one. certainly not one of your "down on one knee asking for the maiden's hand in marriage" type of proposal.

Nope, we just sort of came to realise, as the months went by, that we wanted to be closer still, and share, and for all of that to be permanent, at least in the 'until death' sense. Then Peter, cautious as ever, started using phrases like "... when we are married ..." and Bonita, with her usual sensitivity just let them slide by with merely a smile, until one day she said, out of the blue as it were, while they were passing a jeweller's shop "What a lovely wedding ring." and Peter bought it on the spot.

And then put it in the bank and said nothing more about it for months.

But Bonita didn't worry. She found another jeweller's shop. Passing it, she said "What a lovely engagement ring". Peter said he already had a wedding ring for her, and she had to remind him that it was just gathering dust, wasn't it. So Peter had a similar ring made for her, and a wedding ring for himself, and we began dining out around the city, looking for wedding venues.

That was about it, really.

Oh, except that when all the rings were finally ready, he did formally ask her to wed. It was at skating, actually, when he came off the ice, and she put her arms around him, and said "Yes ...".

"... provided you sell the HoonerVagen. I want us both to survive for some time yet."

Now, that, if anything could be, is "the compleat truth test" for genuine love. Asking a guy to give up the essential manly art of laying down rubber at the lights with his Genuine Australian Icon, the big-hearted, blood-red, throbbing, four-barrel, deep-throat, 5-litre, Holden V8 Calais, that he has lovingly tuned and polished for nearly 20 years.

And did Peter pass the test? Here he is handing over his other love to younger blood who will carry on the tradition. No room for jealousy in this marriage!

This is the congratulatory bouquet of tulips from our friends Helen Williams and Hugh Jolly - Neutral Bay, not Amsterdam!
